Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Missing: Adequate Amounts of Sleep

Slowly starting to feel drained from this semester. Balancing classes, my internship, a job, all while still trying to have a social life is starting to get the best of me. I find myself waiting until the last minute to do assignments (kind of like tonight) and not even trying to learn from them. My Monday-Thursday consists of me leaving at 7:45 am and not getting home until 9 pm every night and my body is really starting to feel it. I spend my whole day Saturday and Sunday trying to catch up on sleep because those are my only days off from school and my work schedule is less. If anyone has some suggestions as to how I can regain energy to finish the second half of this semester, let me know! Coffee is my best friend right now but I'm looking for healthier alternatives. Anyway, sorry to complain! Just hoping that I'm not alone.


  1. Oh Allison! I understand this post so much. 8 am 100% with you. I found cutting back on coffee and eating more protein helped. I'm always here to support! Stay strong!

  2. I have yet to find something that can help... I wish I could just make days longer, I feel as though that would do the trick.

  3. Work in some power naps and take time for yourself. The teaching cycle follows a plot narrative. Look for the lulls and don't try to be perfect! There is too much work! Work will always be there.
