Friday, September 23, 2016

Perks of Being the Big Sis

One of the greatest things about my life is the fact that I have 3 annoying, polar opposite, but amazing little sisters. I have 2 older brothers too but I am still getting over the torment they left me, therefore, they do not get their own post, ha! Anyway, my sisters are Bri (20), Kasey (16), and Abby (9), and yes, I have a blended family or this would be crazy. 

Being a big sister comes with a lot of responsibility. Either way you will be an example, you just hope that it is what TO do rather than what NOT to do. I am the first one that they call when they have a question that they don't want to ask our parents about and the first one they tell when something great happens. Even though I loved being an only child for like 2 days (that's what it feels like) I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

Bri is probably the one who wants to be nothing like me. However, that doesn't mean we are on bad terms because I probably hear from her 4 times a week. I just mean she wants to be different. It is probably because we are so close in age. She is a hard worker and is also the loudest burper I know. It honestly sounds like a grown man burp which is surprising because she's only 4'9. 

Kasey is the most sarcastic person you will ever meet in your life and it is probably because she is my dad's twin. She is also the funniest person to be around. She has such a big personality when you get to know her but it just takes a while for her to open up to you. She is a sophomore in high school and I keep trying to persuade her to come live with me when she graduates and go to UCF. I'll keep you posted on that.

Abby... Oh Abby. She is hilarious. She is on my mom's side so I am her only sibling and she thinks that she is 21 too. She loves getting dolled up and she is probably my biggest fan and vice versa. She will take my moms phone and Facetime me when she gets in trouble or when she has problems with her friends. I love that girl. She can be so funny and so sweet at the same time. 

Being a big sister is awesome. It's the littlest things that make you proud that they're your family and that you are the one they look up to during tough situations. I love my babies. 


  1. Like you I am the older sister. I have 2 three years apart and 1 fourteen years younger (aka blended family). (I also have a younger brother-though he won't get much press here either). Yes- I have always been the role model for good or evil as well as the rescuer! I'm glad your siblings have you to look up too and seek out! Great photos!

  2. Like you I am the older sister. I have 2 three years apart and 1 fourteen years younger (aka blended family). (I also have a younger brother-though he won't get much press here either). Yes- I have always been the role model for good or evil as well as the rescuer! I'm glad your siblings have you to look up too and seek out! Great photos!

  3. I adore this! I have an older brother, Carmen (I know a girl's name lol) and two sisters (Dominique and Alyssa). We are all super close in age (24,22,21,20), but I think we try our best to be an example to one another. Or at least, I do, but I think they sometimes gets annoyed of my goodie two-shoed nature. Nevertheless, it is really lovely to have your siblings come to you at the end of the day and to have those bonds in your life. Your siblings are especially lucky to have someone like you to look up to! BTW your pictures at the end are just heart warming. (100% stealing this topic for my next blog post)

  4. I'm an older sister, too! I have two younger sisters, Abby (20) and Meghan (15) and I absolutely adore them to death. Meghan and I are pretty much the same person at different ages. Abby and I are polar opposites, but like your sister Abby, she too likes to get dolled up.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I too am an older sister! I was an only child for 7 long years. I was getting lonely so I asked for a sibling, except that when she came I couldn't play with her because she was a baby but it doesn't matter I love her to pieces. I completely agree with you in that as older sisters our younger siblings look up to us. It is crazy how that works but I too hope to be an example of the what To Do rather then Not Do.
    You have a beautiful family, and I can't wait to read what you post next! :)

  7. Aw Allison I'm so happy to find out that you and your sisters have a good relationship and that you guys are buds! I have a younger sister of my own and I proudly flaunt that she is my best friend. Also you guys are such an adorable bunch, loved the pics!

  8. Allison, I'm the big sister too! It is so much hard work and a big responsibility, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. My two little sisters mean the world to me and I feel honored to be able to be a role model for them.
